Services & Products
Here are our online and face-to-face service offerings, followed by our products on line, in print and on video.
Forthcoming events with Penny and James can be found on the Events page
Psychotherapy and coaching
Individually or as couples
We work with many kinds of relationships: romantic, family, and business.
Online Products
InsideClean Series 1-5
Each series includes recordings of four 90-minute workshops, a library of pre- and post-workshop resources, and bonus material not available elsewhere.
Penny Tompkins & James Lawley are joined by Marian Way (Series 2-5) or Annemiek van Helsdingen (Series 1).
And fantastic savings when you buy two or more series together.
Online Introduction to Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling
Get a flying start in these cutting-edge skills from the comfort of your own home.
Over the course of 7 detailed lessons Penny Tompkins & James Lawley present 12 videos. These include 8 demonstration sessions with clients, 6 quizzes and a 37-page workbook.
By the end of the course you will understand the basics of Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling and will likely be keen for the next steps in this fascinating area.
Books in English
Metaphors in Mind: Transformation through Symbolic Modelling
James Lawley & Penny Tompkins (2000)
This comprehensive book covers the theory of metaphor, self-organising systems and symbolic modelling; the practice of Clean Language; the five-stage therapeutic process; and includes three client transcripts.
Insights in Space: How to use Clean Space to solve problems, generate ideas, and spark creativity
James Lawley and Marian Way (2017)
The only comprehensive guide to the facilitation of Clean Space – includes the basic process, advanced case studies, and group applications.
Clean Language Interviewing: Principles and Applications for Researchers and Practitioners
Heather Cairns-Lee, James Lawley and Paul Tosey (2022)
Clean Language Interviewing is a landmark publication that defines the field for this important practice; it is essential reading for all researchers who seek to obtain data that are faithful to the experience of the interviewee.
Books Translated
Des métaphores dans la tête: Transformation par la Modélisation Symbolique et le Clean Language
James Lawley & Penny Tompkins (2000)
Ce livre complet couvre la théorie de la métaphore, des systèmes auto-organisateurs et de la modélisation symbolique, la pratique du langage propre, le processus thérapeutique en cinq étapes et comprend trois transcriptions de séances avec des clients.
Traduit par Ariane Boucherle, Sophie de Bryas, Jennifer de Gandt, Noémie Dehouck, Laure Duthu, Nadine Lecamus, Myriam Mora, Françoise Poinçon, Eric Von Saenger.
Mente e metafore: Modellamento Simbolico e Trasformazione
James Lawley & Penny Tompkins (2000)
Questo libro completo copre la teoria della metafora, dei sistemi auto-organizzanti e della modellazione simbolica; la pratica del Linguaggio Pulito; il processo terapeutico in cinque fasi; e include tre trascrizioni di sedute con i clienti
Traduzione italiana: Justina Claudatus, Natale Fino, Angelo Recchia-Luciani
Метафоричний Розум - Джеймс Лаулі, Пенні Томпкінс
Метафори — лише художні вислови або ж інструмент вирішення психологічних проблем? Джеймс Лаулі та Пенні Томпкінс (2000) є співрозробниками Символічного. Як інструмент у своїй роботі вони використовують запитання «Чистої мови». Aвтори використовують стенограми власних сесій, зокрема з клієнтами, які зазнали травматичного воєнного досвіду за період повномасштабної війни в Україні, що лише підвищує актуальність описаної теми для сучасних психотерапевтів.
Переклад Ганни Стативки (2023)
Erkenntnisse im Raum
James Lawley and Marian Way (2017)
Aus dem Englischen von Andrea Matt und unter Mitwirkung von Doris Leibold und Tilman Rentel
Mit Clean Space Kreativität anregen, Ideen generieren und Probleme lösen (2022).
Video Products
A Strange and Strong Sensation
Symbolic Modelling: Change with Metaphor
Penny Tompkins & James Lawley (2004)
See how symbolic modeling actually works with a client, as she discovers her metaphors and symbols. Contains two versions: annotated (to help with following the client's process) and without annotation (to allow the viewer to construct their own model). Includes a 36-page booklet with full transcript. (108 mins)
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Recent Articles
Modelling metaphors of force dynamics
Artigos sobre Linguagem Limpa e Modelagem Simbólica
Perguntas de Clean Language de David Grove
Clean Language Artikelen in het Nederlands
Competence criteria level-1 assessors
The Long Close Farm workshop April 2002
Latest blog posts
Mapping Clean applications on to Wilber’s quadrants
Pulling time back cleanly
Stick or Twist
The secret ingredients of AWWYLTHH?
Do we want agency over our inner signals?
Penny Tompkins & James Lawley
A complete Symbolic Modelling &
Clean Language session
“No, not this again!”
8 lessons
2 hours of video
Online Training: Introduction to Clean Language & Symbolic Modelling
12 videos (includes 8 demos of which 4 are complete coaching sessions)<br>
6 quizzes and a 37-page workbook
InsideClean Series 1 to 5
Penny Tompkins
James Lawley
Marian Way
Four recorded workshops in each series
+ extra resources
+ bonus material
First book on Clean Language Interviewing
Available NOW from Emerald Publishing
James Lawley,
Paul Tosey