Category: Business & Organisations

The intersection of Ken Wilber’s quadrants model and Clean applications.
Leader, leading, leadership. Follower, following, but not follower-ship; why not?
What does it mean to collaborate, cooperate or co-inspire? What does a clean approach add to the mix? And how do we do them?
Introducing Modelling Shared Reality, a new qualitative research methodology which is rooted in Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling. Published in Kwalon.
This study investigated the effects on well-being of using clean language to explore employees’ experiences of organisational change at its best in a UK Health Authority facing rapid change.
The clean community is a 'community of practice'. Such communities are created by people gravitating to like-minded people who have a passion for something they do, the desire to learn how to do it better, and the motivation to interact regularly.
Outlines a new organisational coaching process, Systemic Modelling. Includes a case study of organisational learning. Published in e-Organisations & People.
What is needed to push responsibility back down an organisation, and to move from problem thinking to outcome thinking?
A model of feedback which is easy to send and easy to receive. Published in Rapport, 14.
What would it be like to look forward to meetings knowing you had a tool to navigate them more successfully? Published in ReSource.
Find out how using clean, modelling and metaphor has successfully worked for businesses and organisations; and how those benefits can best be described in typical corporate and management language.
Generating creativity with Heston Blumenthal, whose restaurant, The Fat Duck, was named the best restaurant in the world in 2005.
How to use Clean Language in everyday conversations.
A preparatory paper for the facilitation over four days by the 'Clean Team' of a Large Group Metaphor Process for 80 members of The Findhorn Community
A 10th International Anti-Corruption Conference workshop held in Prague, October 2001, for a strongly multi-cultural audience.
Describes a new approach using client-generated metaphors to facilitate individual and organisational change. Published in 'Effective Consulting'.
Describes Gareth Morgan's use of metaphor to analyse and facilitate organisational change. Published in 'Effective Consulting'.
What is this thing called NLP modelling? A checklist of preparatory considerations and an overview of the five stages of a modelling project. Published in Rapport 40
How the London NLP group built a self-organising community.